Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kepedulian . .

Begitu banyak orang yang sangat mebutuhkan empati kita, perhatian kita, rasa simpati dari kita, dan waktu kita. Sampai saat ini gw belum bisa kasi semuanya, tapi gw akan tetap mencoba untuk selalu memberikan yang terbaik bagi orang lain.

Gw melihat, banyak orang yang membutuhkan parhatian dan kasih sayang kita tapi kita tidak memberikan hal tersebut kepada mereka. Padahal kita belajar tentang arti hidup ini dari kehidupan mereka. Kita tertawa saat mereka menangis, bukan masalah karena kita tahu atau tidak tahu mereka menangis, tapi karena kita tidak mau tahu tentang mereka.

Sebenarnya, begitu banyak orang yang harus kita pedulikan, orang terdekat kita, orang sekitar kita, dan juga orang-orang yang sangat membutuhkan bantuan kita. Tapi kita terlalu sibuk dengan urusan kita sendiri sehingga kita tidak memiliki waktu.. bahkan hanya untuk sekedar mengingat atau memikirkan... BAHWA MEREKA ADA.

Mulai sekarang, gw akan selalu menanamkan rasa kepedulian gw untuk orang lain. Jadilah orang yang berguna bagi orang lain, karena menurut gw arti hidup itu adalah bagaimana kita membuat hidup kita agar tidak sia-sia. Dan salah satu caranya, kita bisa berguna bagi orang lain.


So many people who need our empathy, our attention, sense of caring from us, and our time. so far I have not been able to give everything, but I will still try to always give the best for others.

I see, many people need attention and our love but we do not give it to them. Whereas we learn about the meaning of life from their lives. We laugh when they cry, not a problem because we know atu did not know they cry, but because we do not want to know about them.

In fact, so many people who should we care about, people closest to us, the people around us, and also the people who really need our help. But we are too busy with our own affairs so that we do not have the time .. even just to simply recall or think about ... THEM.

From now on, I will begin to instill a sense of concern for others. Be helpful to others, because I think the meaning of life is how we make our lives so worthwhile. and one way, we can be useful to others.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

So Hurt

For some reason, everything changes . . .

Plans change, people change, everything changes and it makes me confused. I just want to live in peace, but why it changed from the original? I just want a normal life, but why are so many problems coming? is that normal?

This evening I reflected on all the events that have been long. maybe it's all changed because of my attitude is wrong, too. Not accept what is already given to me, even though it meant a pleasure for others.

I was a spoiled child, but now I'm a teenager who learns to deal with change. so inevitably I had to face it all alone. I have to, but I guess I was not able to.

It makes me sick, when I need support from others, I do not get it. from the start I had already tried to get up myself. But sometimes I smile proudly because I can pass it.
although it makes me hurt, very hurt . . .